Underground casino

Infinity Gaming 2.0 - Business Application Format

The following is a private out-of-character business application. Information contained within this business application is NOT permitted for in-character use.

Ownership Information:

Primary Owner Information (Full name, link to character biography, discord username, steam profile link):

  • Full character name: TOMMY PEREIRA
  • Character biography: In the depths of South America, I reigned as the epitome of terror. My name was whispered in the darkest corners, my ruthless nature renowned throughout the continent. No one dared to cross paths with me, for my wrath was swift and unforgiving. I commanded an empire fueled by drugs,gambling violence, and fear, leaving a trail of devastation in my wake.
  • Discord: tommypereirarigby
  • Steam: d.rigby13

Business Outline & Proposal: underground casino

Provide a brief description of the in-game business you propose to open:

  • Answer here.I would like to open a underground casino with a secret discrete 2 part location that will have to be found by exporing in city to find a phone number where they’ll be givien the location and opportunity to buy in to participate in the gambling activities.

Outline your short-term and long-term goals for the business. What are your long-term aspirations for your in-game business, and how do you see it evolving over an extended period? How will you handle challenges or periods of lower activity without compromising the quality of your roleplay? How do you anticipate your business evolving over time to stay relevant and exciting?:

  • Answer here. Short-Term Goals:
  1. Establish “the business” as a sought-after destination for an exclusive underground experience.
  2. Build a dedicated community for the underworld through limited-access events and carefully curated roleplay interactions.
  3. Fine-tune security protocols and maintain a balance between secrecy and accessibility.
  4. Host weekly events with the 3-day schedule, ensuring high demand and limited availability for participants.

Long-Term Goals:

Expand the business by introducing new and innovative experiences to keep patrons engaged.
Establish alliances and partnerships with other selected businesses for cross-promotional events and activities.
Continuously enhance security measures to maintain the exclusive and trustworthy nature of ."business”.
Explore potential expansions or renovations of the secret location to accommodate a growing community.

What unique roleplay aspects or services will your business offer to enhance the overall server experience? Are there any unique or innovative features you plan to introduce with your business that haven’t been explored in the server before?:

  • Answer here. A hidden building with in the city that can change locations when discovered or raided by police, a Russian roulette table that bets with your life for high stakes, the two step location process that you need to be complete so you can gain access to the secret location, high stake poker nights and high stake blackjack nights, extreme security protocols to make sure business goes smoothly and a car pool to bring people to the location

Describe how your business will engage with in-game customers. What kind of customer service roleplay can players expect? How will you handle customer feedback, complaints, and suggestions? Can you provide examples of roleplay scenarios that showcase the depth and authenticity of your business operations?:

  • Answer here. We will provide drinks and food within the venue with high security to provide a safe and secure environment for all involved We will listen to the feedback from the selected people that have access and have a meeting will them all with that we will make the right adjustments to make sure everyone is happy and can enjoy the experience (on the night we call everyone and get them at separate locations to keep the suspicion low we lock them up and then take everyone to the discrete location once entered people are patted down to make sure no weapons are bought onto the premises from there we eat and have a few cigars and drinks from their the games begin people start playing their desired game and try win as much money as they can after a set about of time the Russian roulette begins for those who want to play they will be betting with their own money and not against the house to try and double or loose it all and if they lose they’ll be taken and dumped out the front of the hospital if they win they will be protected by security and chauffeured to a location of their choice, before people leave they sign a contract that states if they ever give information about the activities that goes on within these events they will be stripped of their bank accounts and shot this is to ensure that our business stays secret and away from the public)

Outline your strategies for marketing and advertising your business within the server. Can you propose any unique or creative in-game marketing campaigns to attract attention to your business? How do you plan to keep your business fresh and engaging for players over time? How do you plan to attract and retain customers within the roleplay environment? How do you plan to actively contribute to the server community beyond your business operations?:

  • Answer here. Due to being so discrete we will not be advertising at all it will be all done through one sides referrals (the person will refer someone with out that person knowing about it from their we will kidnap them and take them for a interrogation/interview to see if they are a fit for our business) and people will have to stumble apon the first location to get our number we will be asking for a rotation of games so one month it’ll be black joacl and poker and the other month it’ll be craps amd ordinary roulette swapping each month, attracting people will come over time due to the exclusivity of the place and the first in best dress system we have in place for our nightly limit to be able to win money, we will be doing monthly giveaways for our clients with big prizes for them to win just for being in the clientele list

Are there opportunities for collaboration with other in-game businesses? If yes, how do you envision these partnerships?:

  • Answer here. One sides collaborations could be a thing but mostly no due to our secretive nature

Are you aware of all server-specific rules and regulations related to in-game businesses that you need to adhere to? How will you ensure that your business operations align with both server rules and the in-game legal framework?:

  • Answer here. Yes of course rules will be followed at all times

Business Development Information:

What do you believe is required from the development team for your business to operate?:

  • Answer here. Russian roulette table the ability to be able to swap the games in house every other month a business menu that we could have money to pay out hands from and a win/lose percentage for the games

If applicable, do you have a location for the business to operate out of? Is there a custom map or default in-game location in which you’d like to use?:

  • Answer here. At this point I would like to choose 3 local locations that could be used incase of being discovered by police for rotation these would be back alley out of the way locations

If applicable, is there a business logo you wish to use? Do you have the copyright permission to use such logo?:

  • Answer here. We have one in the works

If applicable, provide your business ranking structure with #1 being the highest job role within the business:

  1. Example Role
  • Role Name:
    Head of security

  • Role Description:

  • (If applicable) Role Permissions (e.g. boss menu, society fund access, ability to hire employees, ability to promote or fire employees, etc.): bosses to be able to enter the boss menu and funds, managers to be able to hire and fire,
    Security to be able to zip tie and escort shoot on site and pay down dealers to be able to operate the tables

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Your application is currently under review. You will receive and answer once Developers and Business Management have reviewed.

This application is being denied for start of Infinity Gaming 2.0.

We would like to see this start within RP before forming it into a business long term. Once you have a good RP base then we would love for you to reapply and it be reviewed then. Ultimately this overall will be mainly RP and have very limited script assistance.