SirDingoTheFirst Staff Application

  • Username:

  • Steam profile link:
    Steam Community :: The Gob

  • Discord:

  • Age (Min 16):
    20 (21 in July)

  • Do you have any active warning or previous bans?
    I have 1 previous ban from discord and the server for association of sending wrong photos to someone within the server, and a warning that was never issues to me in game or in discord.

  • Do you have a problem with any of our current staff members?
    I don’t have any issues with the current or past staff within the Infinity Community and would love to build a closer friendship with everyone.

  • How long have you been apart of our community & played on our FiveM server?
    I joined on the 24/09/2021 and have gained over 1500 hours within the server alone. I played in another server for about 2 weeks when I got banned but didn’t enjoy it as much as IG.

  • Have you maintained a staff position in another Community?
    I have not held a staff position before, however I am very keen and exited to gain and learn a new skill and ability and use my communication skills to help the team.

  • How known are you on a scale of 1-10?
    I would like to say a solid 7-8 since I spent a lot of my time in ems getting to know people.

  • Do you believe you’re able to deal with individuals such as Friend’s, Org Members & Staff Members etc in a completely unbiased manner?
    I am able to do this as I know right from wrong and when it comes to rules, they must be followed by anyone and everyone. It is unprofessional to enter any situation with a bias manner.

  • Why do you think you should become a staff member?
    I should become a staff member as I have been part of the community for many years now and I want to further involve myself and help make people experiences better than ever,

  • Why should you be chosen over other candidates?
    I believe I should be chosen over other candidates as I am hard working, great with communicating to people and have a friendly upbringing motive in life that will make everyone’s experiences with my better than others.

  • How available are you to do staffing duties throughout the week and what is your availability?
    Week 1: Monday - Friday (3:30pm - 1am), Saturday 12:30pm to Monday 1am.
    Week 2: Monday - Friday (3:30pm - 1am), The entire weekend.

  • Do you understand that as a staff member, you are not above and or better than anyone else in roleplay and within the Community?
    Whenever I am in the server roleplaying I acknowledge that I am not better than anyone no matter the situation. Being a staff member is a privilege and is something that shouldn’t be used for the power.

  • Do you understand that as a Staff Member you will be looked upon in the Community as a role-model & you are at all times to be setting an example for newer and current players within the server whether it’s IC or OOC?
    I fully understand the role I will be taking on in and out of the server and I will make sure to be someone that new and ongoing players can contact for help when needed.

  • Do you also understand, you are NOT to use powers to benefit yourself or your peers in any way, shape or form?
    I understand this and staff powers will only be used in the proper manner and correct situation and after consulting with my other staff members.

  • List at least five rulebreaches, give an example of the rulebreach and explain the punishment that you believe should be given.
    Random Death Match (RDM) - Killing someone within the server without any context or reasoning.
    Vehicle Death Match (VDM) - Hitting someone/ a group of people with a vehicle without any reason also hitting another players car when they are driving for no reason.
    Breech of community guidelines (BCG) - Performing a action or intent of doing someone that directly goes against the rules set in the server and discord.
    Fail Roleplay (FRP) - Not following the rules of roleplay and any situation and having no intent of making a role play scene.
    Combat Logging (CL) - When someone leaves the server forcefully when they get injured, downed/ dead or in the middle of a fight with someone to get away and have an advantage.

  • If any, what level of understanding do you have of txAdmin? Have you used it previously?
    I have no understanding as of yet but I am ready to learn and do my research if and when required.

  • A user is RDMing and insulting other users. You are the only staff available to deal with the situation. What do you do?
    I would consult with my other staff members within our chat and ask how to proceed. After receiving instruction and steps of how to control the situation I would get involved with what I have either witnessed or seen in the recent report.

  • There is a large gathering of players in Legion Square. A user decided to drive his phantom straight into Legion Square and run over as many players as possible. What rules have been broken and how do you deal with the situation?
    The following rules consist of, RMD, VDM, and BCG. I would contact my other staff members for assistance and help and go to the individual that performed the rules breaking and have a chat with him. After talking with my staff team I will explain the punishment the person will be receiving.

  • A user has threatened to DDOS and take down the server. What do you do? Who would you contact?
    I would gather any and every bit of evidence I could and submit it to my team to pass upwards to the mods and owners of the server and ask them how they would like to contain the situation.

  • There is an Admin that keeps giving people weapons and items (When he is not supposed to), What do you do? Who would you contact?
    I would consult with another staff member privately and the confront the staff member that is breeching the rules and remove all the items he has given out with sufficient evidence to supply if needed.

  • A user has joined the server and started to spam racial slurs over OOC and voice communication, how would you handle the situation?
    I would take as much evidence possible and show other staff members and disable the OOC chat for the time being. I would then bring the user away from other players and have a chat about how he is breaking rules and having no intent to RP and advise the appropriate punishments that he will be receiving.

  • A user has reported a “troll” has been Mass VDMing but they have no footage or other valid evidence, You have been given an ID, What can you possibly do to determine if these claims are true without footage?
    I will let the user that has reported the situation that I can’t do much without any evidence however I can watch them for a couple minutes to see if they do anything and also ask other users if they have witnessed anything.

  • 'Bradley’ has just been in a pursuit with police, his vehicle contains drugs and illegal weapons. At some point Bradley crashed his vehicle during pursuit, stole a road-bike and evaded police up a mountain/offroad. Police have now seized the vehicle left behind. 5 minutes later, police notice items being removed from the vehicle. Bradley has gone to impound and is now offloading the contents of the vehicle. What rules have been broken(if any)? How would you proceed to handle the situation?
    Bradley has broken the rules of exploiting items and using glitches to his own benefits. I would then consult with my other staff members and talk to him about what rules he is breaking and explain how it is unfair for everyone else. I would then issue the correct punishment.

  • ‘Marilyn’ is a devious criminal of the underworld, constantly wanted by police and committing heinous acts of crime! During a situation, Marilyn acquires herself weapons from a police officers body. After equipping the 2-handed weapon at a car boot, Marilyn holds the weapon in her hand, then pulls her phone out and puts it away. Marilyn then carries on about her business. Shortly after, Marilyn gets arrested by police, put in hand-cuffs and taken to the station. While being taken to the cells, Marilyn decides to tackle officers, and run away on foot, eventually stealing a civilian vehicle. During this high speed pursuit down the highway, a police officer intentionally drives down the oncoming lane and has a head on collision with Marilyn, leading to her death because she was not wearing a seatbelt. What rules have been broken(if any)? How would you proceed to handle the situation?
    Marilyn has broken multiple rules including, FRP and exploiting. The officer has broken the rules of VDM as he has intentionally hit a player/players vehicle with the intent to not follow rules. I would consult with other staff and issue appropriate punishments to bother Marilyn and the office.

  • Any further comments:
    I don’t have any other comments, Thanks for reading.

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