Paleto Automobiles - Business Application

Infinity Gaming 2.0 - Business Application Format

The following is a private out-of-character business application. Information contained within this business application is NOT permitted for in-character use.

Ownership Information:

Primary Owner Information (Full name, link to character biography, discord username, steam profile link):

Business Outline & Proposal:

Provide a brief description of the in-game business you propose to open:

  • I am wanting to open up a Car Dealership Business up in Paleto called, “Paleto Automobiles”. It is a Modern Car Dealership made for your all needs on buying a Vehicle.

Outline your short-term and long-term goals for the business. What are your long-term aspirations for your in-game business, and how do you see it evolving over an extended period? How will you handle challenges or periods of lower activity without compromising the quality of your roleplay? How do you anticipate your business evolving over time to stay relevant and exciting?:

  • My goals for this Business is to make the most popular Car Dealership in the City. I am wanting for the Community to come down and buy their Vehicle they are wanting to buy, without any troubles what so ever. I will try and hire so much staff as I can, so we can stay open for all of the City’s needs. If I can’t find any staff, then I will try and be there as much as I can. I am always bring out new vehicles to buy whenever they get brought into the state, so the community can buy their new favourite vehicle whenever it becomes available in the state.

What unique roleplay aspects or services will your business offer to enhance the overall server experience? Are there any unique or innovative features you plan to introduce with your business that haven’t been explored in the server before?:

  • I am going to try and offer a new and different deal at our dealership every week, so the community can get a good discount on their favourite vehicles. I will also host a Public Event for the Community once a Month. Can include prices, such as discounts at our Dealership, or even some cash that they can spend on whatever they want.

Describe how your business will engage with in-game customers. What kind of customer service roleplay can players expect? How will you handle customer feedback, complaints, and suggestions? Can you provide examples of roleplay scenarios that showcase the depth and authenticity of your business operations?:

  • I will make sure to hire only staff that I know are fit for the job and knows what they are doing. I won’t be hiring any people that just work into my store thinking they own the joint, or if their name is Daniel. My staff will always show respect to the customers and will give them the best dealership experience they will ever get in this city. I love when I get customer feedback. weather it’s a good thing or a bad thing. If it is a bad thing, I will make sure the issue is resolved and other the customer and staff are happy. If we get any suggestions from the community, I will for sure right them down and talk about it in the next staff meeting.

Outline your strategies for marketing and advertising your business within the server. Can you propose any unique or creative in-game marketing campaigns to attract attention to your business? How do you plan to keep your business fresh and engaging for players over time? How do you plan to attract and retain customers within the roleplay environment? How do you plan to actively contribute to the server community beyond your business operations?:

  • I will always run ads on your phones, so you know whenever we are open. I will also send out Emails to the community that we are open (Discord Announcements). I will always give out weekly deals, like I mentioned before. I will also run Monthly Events for the Community like I also said before. I will also run Monthly Giveaways on a Brand New Car that might come into the Dealership for the first time.

Are there opportunities for collaboration with other in-game businesses? If yes, how do you envision these partnerships?:

  • Yes I think as a business it will be a really good idea for Paleto Automobiles to do a collaboration with another Business for Deals, Events with the Community and even Giveaways to the Community.

Are you aware of all server-specific rules and regulations related to in-game businesses that you need to adhere to? How will you ensure that your business operations align with both server rules and the in-game legal framework?:

  • Yes I am aware of those rules and regulations.

Business Development Information:

What do you believe is required from the development team for your business to operate?:

  • I am needing a Custom MLO/Building be put into the City for my Business to operate. I am also needing them to put in a Script that I am guessing they would have to buy, sell and give the Vehicles to the Customers. I am also wanting Locks to be put on the Dealership Doors so no one can get in during Closing Times. (With the MLO I will be buying it, just once the Application gets accepted. MLO:

If applicable, do you have a location for the business to operate out of? Is there a custom map or default in-game location in which you’d like to use?:

  • Paleto Automobiles will be operating at the North of the Map in Paleto Bay. As seen in the Video above, you can see the Location of where the Dealership will be located. (MLO will be have to put in, as seen above is a Link to the Showcase.)

If applicable, is there a business logo you wish to use? Do you have the copyright permission to use such logo?:

  • Yes I have a Logo that I will be using for the Business. The Logo is already being used on the Business MLO, so once I buy the MLO I will have Copyright Permission to use the Logo.

If applicable, provide your business ranking structure with #1 being the highest job role within the business:

  • Role Name: Owner
  • Role Description: Being the Owner of the Business.
  • (If applicable) Role Permissions (e.g. boss menu, society fund access, ability to hire employees, ability to promote or fire employees, etc.): Owner has access to use the Boss Menu, Society Fund and have the ability to hire and fire employees.
  • Role Name: Co-Owner
  • Role Description: Being the Co-Owner of the Business.
  • (If applicable) Role Permissions (e.g. boss menu, society fund access, ability to hire employees, ability to promote or fire employees, etc.): Co-Owner has access to use the Boss Menu, Society Fund and have the ability to hire and fire employees.
  • Role Name: General Manager
  • Role Description: Being the General Manager of the Business.
  • (If applicable) Role Permissions (e.g. boss menu, society fund access, ability to hire employees, ability to promote or fire employees, etc.): The General Manager has access to use the Boss Menu, Society Fund and have the ability to hire and fire employees.
  • Role Name: Senior Salesmen
  • Role Description: Being a Senior Salesmen of the Dealership.
  • (If applicable) Role Permissions (e.g. boss menu, society fund access, ability to hire employees, ability to promote or fire employees, etc.): A Senior Salesmen doesn’t have access to use the Boss Menu, Society Fund and have the ability to hire and fire employees.
  • Role Name: Salesmen
  • Role Description: Being a Salesmen of the Dealership.
  • (If applicable) Role Permissions (e.g. boss menu, society fund access, ability to hire employees, ability to promote or fire employees, etc.): A Salesmen doesn’t have access to use the Boss Menu, Society Fund and have the ability to hire and fire employees.
  • Role Name: Trainee Salesmen
  • Role Description: Being a Trainee Salesmen of the Dealership.
  • (If applicable) Role Permissions (e.g. boss menu, society fund access, ability to hire employees, ability to promote or fire employees, etc.): A Trainee Salesmen doesn’t have access to use the Boss Menu, Society Fund and have the ability to hire and fire employees.

Your application is currently under review. You will receive and answer once Developers and Business Management have reviewed.

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Alright no worries, thank you!