Mickey Murphy Character Bio

Michael Murphy Infinity Gaming 2.0 - Character Biography

Character Information

Full Name: What is your character’s full name, including any nicknames or aliases?

Michael Charles Murphy “Mickey”

Date Of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)

5-5-1989 (34)

Country Of Birth (If outside of Australia, please specify citizenship status & date of citizenship)

Blackpool (England)
Arrived in Australia in January 5th 2005 with full PR
Gained Citizenship in 2011
Cert number CA3442252-P

Family Tree, Heritage & Genealogy: Does your character have any family members or close relatives? If so, who are they, and what is the nature of their relationships? (Note: Any names not included within this biography unless later approved by the Federal Government will not legally be considered family members in a legal procedures, practices, etc.) (Min: 25 words per person)

Mother – Bo-Anne Murphy (Location unknown)

Bo-Anne is from Dublin Ireland and was the daughter of Mick and Katie O’Grady. She grew up in Dublin and met her Husband Skip whilst working as a receptionist at a local distribution company. They wed in 1982 before having their first child in 1989, Michael Murphy.

Father – Skip Murphy (Location unknown)

Skip is from Waterford, which is Ireland’s oldest city and moved to Dublin with his parents (Conor and Michelle Murphy) at the age of 12. Upon finishing school Skip worked in the building industry where he met his wife Bo-Anne working for one of his suppliers. They wed in 1982 before having their first child Michael Murphy in 1989.

Sister – Adele Murphy (Location unknown)

Adele Murphy is the daughter of Skip and Bo-Anne and Sister to Michael and Margaret. Adele was born in Blackpool, England. Current whereabouts and occupation is unknown since 2004.

Sister – Margaret Murphy (Location unknown)

Margaret Murphy is the daughter of Skip and Bo-Anne and Sister to Michael and Adele. Margaret was born in Blackpool, England. Current whereabouts and occupation is unknown since 2004.

Mickey grew up in the United Kingdom with his sisters Adele and Margaret. Mickey’s family is originally from Ireland and moved to Blackpool England two years before he was born. Parents Skip and Bo-Anne set up their new home here running a small butcher’s shop. When Mickey was born life changed for Skip and Bo and they struggled for money with the business not being as successful as they had hoped. To make the business work they turned to crime and linked up with some of the country’s most notorious drug and weapon dealers as they quickly established one of the country’s biggest underground smuggling operations in the country.

Skip would take care of the business and Bo-Anne would operate the butchers whilst raising the family. By this time Skip and Bo would welcome Adele and Margaret, Mickey’s two younger sisters to the family. As time moved on and as Mickey got older, he would gain more responsibilities looking after his sisters and helping with the shop front.

Mickey would spend his days at the local high school and then come home and work in the shop before taking his sister’s home to make dinner and ensure the house was ready in case Skip would bring any business home.

In 2004 Mickey completed his year 12 education and by this time was involved in the underground operations that Skip was running.

This brought great risk and at Christmas time in 2004 the dirty dealings caught up with the Murphy family and Skip with his wife Bo-Anne packed up and went into hiding after a deal with kingpin Kerry Shields went south. Mickey’s sisters Adele and Margaret went with Skip and Bo-Anne, but Mickey wanted more for himself and set about moving to Australia to start anew.

Education, Experience & Employment: What is your character’s level of education? Did they attend college, vocational school, or have any specialized training? What does your character do for a living? Are they employed or self-employed, and in what industry or profession? (Ensure you state all degrees, certifications, experience, current/previous employment information, etc.) (Min: 75 words)

  • Millfield High school year 11 graduate certificate 2004 (England)
  • Wooloroo High school year 12 graduate certificate 2007 (Australia)
  • Pinnaroo senior collage cert IV in computer coding and building 2009 (Australia)
  • Bullsbrook metropolitan TAFE cert IV in commercial cookery 2013(Australia)
  • AIM Australia certificate V in management 2015(Australia)
  • AIM Australia certificate VI in management and Leadership2017 (Australia)

Hobbies and Interests: What does your character enjoy doing in their free time? Any specific hobbies, interests, or passions? (Min: 50 words)

Mickey is in love with cooking. He enjoys spending his free time creating and testing new recipes and using new ingredients to enhance his food that he makes. When he’s not in the kitchen he is also known to have green fingers and is often hidden away in one of his many green houses growing his own herb and spice gardens.
Mickey also has the belief family time is one of the most important things to remember in life and will always make time for family in his day. Losing touch with his blood family made him appreciate the new people in his life that he treats as his new family and enjoys every minute he gets to spend with them all.
Lastly, despite his shy nature, Mickey loves to interact and meet new people and get to know others. His approach to life of treating everyone the same has seen Mickey build up a reputation wherever he has been of respect and trust.

Goals and Ambitions: What are your character’s long-term goals and ambitions in the city? What do they hope to achieve? (Min: 75 words)

Mickey wants to build an empire. He’s not here to take over and be a kingpin or any sort of dictator but wants to be known to everyone. He’s currently looking at business opportunities with the food industry but with nothing set in stone yet ventures into the agricultural industry is always an option also. Mickey wants to achieve great success where one day he may get the opportunity to see his parents again and make them proud of his achievements.
Sometimes you have to get your hands dirty to get to the top and Mickey wants to take what he learned from his father’s business when growing up as a child and use that knowledge to make his own empire bigger and better. With knowledge in the black market already Mickey knows this is a great opportunity for him and he will shed blood, tears and sweat to ensure he gets to the top.

Friends and Allies: Who are your character’s friends or allies in the city? Are there any specific groups or factions they are affiliated with? (Min: 25 words per person/group if applicable)

Mickey has not had the opportunity to meet many of the locals within the city just yet but has heard great things regarding the city and its community.
Ace Fitzwell, who is part of his adopted family, is part of his business plans to take over the food industry within the city.

Jordan Dominic is also a resident of the city whom Mickey met at the pub and have often kept in contact and a catch up every now and then over a pint

Enemies and Rivals: Does your character have any enemies or rivals, and what is the source of their conflicts? (Min: 50 words per person or group if applicable)

Mickey doesn’t have any bad blood with any individual that is currently in his life actively. Kerry Shields is still reportedly hunting the family but doesn’t have any links in Australia that Mickey is aware of. Kerry made numerous attempts on the Murphy family during Mickey’s time in the UK over black market deals that went south and forced Mickey’s family into hiding.

Criminal Record: Has your character been involved in any criminal activities in the past? If so, what kind of activities have they been involved in? (Min: 50 words if applicable)

Whilst Mickey does not have any direct criminal record to his name, he has had some history with the criminal activity during his time working with his father at the family run business. Some of the activities are but not limited to

  • Weapons smuggling
  • Weapons dealing
  • Drug smuggling
  • Drug producing
  • Drug dealing

Mickey has tried to sort his life out and run his life on the right side of the law, but isn’t opposed to working on the wrong side depending on the risks involved. Mickey would take on buying and selling of weapons and drugs when aiding his fathers business as well as taking on the production line of the drug side for the business growing and producing drugs and utilising the butchers shop front to deal the drugs without causing any interest from the police.

Personal Beliefs: What are your character’s personal beliefs, values, and ethics? Are they religious or politically inclined? (Min: 50 words)

Mickey respects everyone for their choices and doesn’t judge those for their choices and allows everyone to express themselves however they see fit.

Mickey doesn’t follow politics either but doesn’t like to see the little guy pushed around either, so as long as it’s a fair and equal opportunistic ruling, Mickey keeps his beliefs to himself and ensures the little guy is looked after also.

“We all come from different backgrounds, We all walk a different path, but at the end of the journey, we get to the same destination. Make all journeys as enjoyable as possible”

Relationships: Is your character in a romantic relationship or involved with anyone romantically? If so, who is their partner, and how did they meet? (Min: 50 words if applicable)

Mickey doesn’t currently have a partner, wife or involved in any benefits relationship either.
Mickey does however enjoy long walks along the beach, sport, is a gaming enthusiast, considers himself to be a friendly, outgoing guy who’s easy to get on with and loves his family and will always fight for what he believes in. Loves a good joke and will often take it too far so if you are easily offended, swipe left now.

Physical Description: Describe your character’s physical appearance, including height, weight, hair colour, eye colour, and distinctive features. (Min: 50 words)

Mickeys appearance often changes depending on his mood and whereabouts but the generic look for business adventures would be

  • 176 CM Tall
  • Green Eyes (inherited from his mother)
  • Blue hair with a white tinge, medium length with a short back and sides
  • Weighs around 84 Kilos
  • Wears glasses (not prescription, just thinks they make him look smarter)
  • Has numerous tattoos on his arms and chest

Backstory: Provide a detailed backstory of your character, including any significant life events, turning points, or experiences that have shaped who they are. (Min: 100 words)

Mickey was born in Blackpool England to Skip and Bo-Anne Murphy and was named Michael Charles Murphy and is known as Micky by his friends and family. Mickey’s parents struggled financially when he was born and as a result the family business suffered also. Mickey attended the local primary school called Northfold Primary and successfully completed these years with no hiccups. Moving into secondary school he attended Millfield High School where he graduated in 2004 middle of the class.
Mickey spent most of his school nights and weekends looking after his sisters (Adele and Margaret) whilst also helping out with the family butchers shop (Murphy’s Meats). In his later years would also assist his father with the back of the shop work dealing with the black market deals such as helping purchase and move on weapons and drugs whilst also producing mass drugs to help distribute around the city. The family found themselves in trouble with a kingpin from the city Mickey was faced with to hide with his family or leave and search for a new life. Here Mickey moved to Australia and left his family behind. On January 5th 2005 Mickey arrived in Australia knowing no one, with little money to his name and in search of a better life.

Mickey had to re-sit his last two years of school with the Australian government not accepting qualifications from international residents. In 2007 Mickey completed and graduated from Wooroloo high school with all the relevant grades needed to set about building his future.
Several years passed and Mickey, still with no plans for his future, created a network of contacts within the drug scene whilst completing several different certificates such as a coding and building computer course, culinary courses, and management courses.

Building up an impressive resume As well as a contact list Mickey has acquired a permit from the government, and building operations have started for the works on a fast-food venue where Mickey will set up his new lifestyle. With no contact from his family since 2004 Mickey has become an independent tycoon known in the underground world for his opportunistic business operations in the movement of black-market money and drugs. He builds a relationship with the Fitzwell family, and they were the closest thing he had to a family these days.

Current Situation: What is your character’s current situation within the city? Are they new to the city, or have they been there for a while? (Min: 50 words)

Mickey has been around the city for a month or two now and has had plans accepted for a hospitality business approved by the local council and is currently awaiting the completion of this project.

Mickeys first few targets for himself with the city will be

  • Find a home for his belongings and a roof over his head
  • Setup and establish his business
  • Network out amongst the community
  • Build the right contact base to be successful within the community

Mickey wants to build an empire and it cannot be done alone, so networking will be a massive project within the city and will also involve Mickey walking that fine line between the right and wrong side of the law.

Great detail used in your biography.

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