Melinda Fox Biography

Infinity Gaming 2.0 - Character Biography

The following is a private out-of-character biography. Information contained within this biography is NOT permitted for in-character use.

Character Information

Full Name: What is your character’s full name, including any nicknames or aliases?

  • Melinda Fox

Date Of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • 10/02/1991

Country Of Birth (If outside of Australia, please specify citizenship status & date of citizenship)

  • Australia

Family Tree, Heritage & Genealogy: Does your character have any family members or close relatives? If so, who are they, and what is the nature of their relationships? (Note: Any names not included within this biography unless later approved by the Federal Government will not legally be considered family members in a legal procedures, practices, etc.)

*Kaia Fox (daughter) Currently NSWA Assistant Commissioner.

Education, Experience & Employment: What is your character’s level of education? Did they attend college, vocational school, or have any specialized training? What does your character do for a living? Are they employed or self-employed, and in what industry or profession? (Ensure you state all degrees, certifications, experience, current/previous employment information, etc.)

  • Year 10 , Fully Trained Ems Currently Commissioner of NSWA
    Previous Employment: Diploma Educator In child care.

Personality: Describe your character’s personality traits, both positive and negative. What are their strengths and weaknesses?

  • I am a Mother and care about my community

Hobbies and Interests: What does your character enjoy doing in their free time? Any specific hobbies, interests, or passions?

  • Relaxing at the beach or in the country off roading.

Goals and Ambitions: What are your character’s long-term goals and ambitions in the city? What do they hope to achieve?

  • I have reached my current gaol as Commissioner of EMS I hope to make this city safe and healthy and boost numbers in my NSWA Family.

Friends and Allies: Who are your character’s friends or allies in the city? Are there any specific groups or factions they are affiliated with?

  • I have many friends as Ems I am well Known by all .

Enemies and Rivals: Does your character have any enemies or rivals, and what is the source of their conflicts?

  • No none

Criminal Record: Has your character been involved in any criminal activities in the past? If so, what kind of activities have they been involved in?

  • No record

Personal Beliefs: What are your character’s personal beliefs, values, and ethics? Are they religious or politically inclined?

  • No Religion but believe treat others as you wish to be treated.

Relationships: Is your character in a romantic relationship or involved with anyone romantically? If so, who is their partner, and how did they meet?

  • Single

Physical Description: Describe your character’s physical appearance, including height, weight, hair colour, eye colour, and distinctive features.

  • Height: 183cm - Weight: 68 kg - Hair Colour: Pink - Eye Colour: Brown - Distinctive features: Tattoos Arms , back, torso and legs

Backstory: Provide a detailed backstory of your character, including any significant life events, turning points, or experiences that have shaped who they are.

  • I am a single mother of 1 , I come from a poor family , Growing up with just a mother and my 3 sisters . We moved a lot my mum was always sick so as the eldest I had to care for my mum and I left school early to work to help feed and clothe my family . When I had my first child I decided to make my life better by becoming an Paramedic . I pushed myself hard worked long hours to become the best I could to provide for my Daughter. With all the long hours I became Commissioner of NSWA I was very proud of what I have Become.

Current Situation: What is your character’s current situation within the city? Are they new to the city, or have they been there for a while?

  • Been in city for over a year now and I am Commissioner of NSWA.


Backstory: Provide a detailed backstory of your character, including any significant life events, turning points, or experiences that have shaped who they are.

  • I am a single mother of 1 , I come from a poor family , Growing up with just a mother and my 3 sisters . We moved a lot my mum was always sick so as the eldest I had to care for my mum and I left school early to work to help feed and clothe my family. When I was 20 I met my now daughter through friends and found that she was in an abusive foster home and would still be in the system for another 4 years, I decided to adopt her to get her out of the system and give her a better life. I wanted to make both our lives better by becoming an Paramedic. I pushed myself hard worked long hours to become the best I could to provide for us and with all the long hours put in I became Commissioner of EMS I am very proud of what I have become.
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