Letty O'Conner - Infinity gaming 2.0 bio

Infinity Gaming 2.0 - Character Biography

The following is a private out-of-character biography. Information contained within this biography is NOT permitted for in-character use.
Minimum words are recommendations as a lack of depth will result in further information being requested, etc.

Character Information

**Full Name: What is your character’s full name, including any nicknames or alia

Letty O’Conner

Date Of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)


Country Of Birth (If outside of Australia or the state of San Andreas, please specify citizenship status & date of citizenship to Australia and the state of San Andreas.)


Family Tree, Heritage & Genealogy: Does your character have any family members or close relatives? If so, who are they, and what is the nature of their relationships? (Note: Any names not included within this biography unless later approved by the Federal Government will not legally be considered family members in a legal procedures, practices, etc.) (Min: 25 words per person)

she never really knew her father as he wasn’t around much and she cant really remember a lot about him all she knew was he was very abusive and that he drank a lot when he was home but she never really saw him or talked with him just always tried to sneak out or avoid him in her room.

Education, Experience & Employment: What is your character’s level of education? Did they attend college, vocational school, or have any specialized training? What does your character do for a living? Are they employed or self-employed, and in what industry or profession? (Ensure you state all degrees, certifications, experience, current/previous employment information, etc.) (Min: 75 words)

Letty was always attending school until the age of 18 were she was severely bullied and mistreated at home that lead her to the streets were she was picking up scrabs to survive that lead her to bad crowds and stealing from shops just to make cash to feed herself while also stealing cars, robbing banks and racing cars witch she was really good at witch was easy cash but also selling drugs until the age of 21 were she was found by a good group of people that offered a job to earn some honest cash as a dancer she was there for 2 years until she moved on and found a place at a nice Restaurant.

Personality: Describe your character’s personality traits, both positive and negative. What are their strengths and weaknesses?

her personality is a very down to earth person always open and Friendly to everyone she not always talkative or out there but is always down for a chat.

Letty biggest strength is her loyalty to her family and friends she will always put them before herself and ensure they are always protected and safe from any harm that may come there way she throw herself in the line of fire witch is her biggest weakness.

Hobbies and Interests: What does your character enjoy doing in their free time? Any specific hobbies, interests, or passions? (Min: 50 words)

Letty loves car Racing she’s very into old cars but anything with 4 wheels that can drive fast is her dream just put her behind a wheel and she go gold. she also enjoys hunting, fishing going to arcades and treasure hunting as well as working hard down in the mines and wood yards.

Goals and Ambitions: What are your character’s long-term goals and ambitions in the city? What do they hope to achieve? (Min: 75 words)

Letty wants to explore and develop an understanding of the city for example locations of stores, available jobs within the city and surrounding suburbs to understand where all the good job opportunity’s are her future goal is to run and own her own business.

Friends and Allies: Who are your character’s friends or allies in the city? Are there any specific groups or factions they are affiliated with? (Min: 25 words per person/group if applicable)

friends to foes who don’t hurt her

Enemies and Rivals: Does your character have any enemies or rivals, and what is the source of their conflicts? (Min: 50 words per person or group if applicable)

enemies to those who hurt her

Criminal Record: Has your character been involved in any criminal activities in the past? If so, what kind of activities have they been involved in? (Min: 50 words if applicable)

Letty has been involved in stealing cars, robbing banks and racing cars and also a lot of things relating to drugs, guns, violence or thefts she’s a huge trouble maker but has never been to jail or never been caught she’s like a masked thief a mystery to those in the PD she’s also been involved in murder, kidnapping and assault with a deadly weapon, however has never been caught and never charged.

Personal Beliefs: What are your character’s personal beliefs, values, morals and ethics? Are they religious or politically inclined? (Min: 50 words)

Letty believes in helping others to the best of her ability cause she doesn’t wanna see anyone struggle the way she did she wants to create opportunity’s for herself and her future to chase those dreams and make everlasting memories with them.

Relationships: Is your character in a romantic relationship or involved with anyone romantically? If so, who is their partner, and how did they meet? (Min: 50 words if applicable)


Physical Description: Describe your character’s physical appearance, including height, weight, hair colour, eye colour, and distinctive features. (Min: 50 words)

Long black hair with dark brown eyes
height: 1.65m
weight: 120lb
she’s a fit girl and looks after her body well with tattoos down her arms and a heart on her cheek and a scar on her rib from being stabbed

Backstory: Provide a detailed backstory of your character, including any significant life events, turning points, or experiences that have shaped who they are. (Min: 100 words)

Letty was always attending school until the age of 18 were she was severely bullied and mistreated at home her father was very abusive and always drank a lot and was never home or there when she needed him the most so that lead her to the streets were she was picking up scrabs to survive that lead her to bad crowds and stealing from shops just to make cash to feed herself while also stealing cars, robbing banks and racing cars witch she was really good at witch was easy cash but also selling drugs and got into a a lot of heated arguments with people on the streets witch lead to first fights that usually ended with a few people in hospital she got stabbed 1 time in the ribs when she got into a heated argument with this idoit she bet in a race that was the only serious injury she got she also witness a lot of gang shot outs witch lead to the death of a few close friends it was a hard life until the age of 21 were she was found by a good group of people that offered a job to earn some honest cash as a dancer she was there for 2 years until she decided to move on from all the mistreat she got from men witch didn’t go down easy that’s how she got her murder crime she wont be mistreated again or looked down upon or disrespected so she moved on and found a nice job at a Restaurant.

Current Situation: What is your character’s current situation within the state of San Andreas? Are they new to the state, or have they been there for a while? (Min: 50 words)

Letty was in the State of San Andreas but had to depart from the the state after a warning for a Major Tsunami hit, The tsunami was going to wipe the whole city out and now Letty is returning for the rebuilding.

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hello, I am enjoying the start of your biography. Some things I am confused about is you mention your father in the backstory but you never mentioned any family members in the family tree. If he is apart of your backstory I’d assume you can at least tell me about him in the family tree. (who are they and what’s your relationship with them)

Also please fill out this section, it’s a required section with a word limit. Read the examples in the title of the questions.
Please mention stuff like; if she’s religiously/politically inclined, and what values /beliefs/ethics does she live by etc.

I am looking forward to the updated version. When you edit it, please put in a ticket and mention me: @fuzzy6641