Jameswtmcnamara is my steam mate i think its best to just move on i enjoy being in pd and i had a bit to much to drink out of head witch if i was sober none of this crap would of happen but its algood only thing i dont like is alot of good people on your

  • In Game Name(s) or Most Known By Name: | Vin Housin

  • Steam Profile Link: https://store.steampowered.com/

  • Steam Name: jameswtmcnamara

  • Discord Name: mrvinhousin3038

  • Who Banned You?: donburton

  • Length Of Ban: 30 days

  • **Reason Of The Ban:**pd corruption and ooc i disagree with pd corruption i made a mistake i had to much to drink

  • Why Should We Unban You?:
    going to add this to the message

jameswtmcnamara is my steam mate i think its best to just move on i enjoy being in pd and i had a bit to much to drink out of head witch if i was sober none of this crap would of happen but its algood only thing i dont like is alot of good people on your server but like i said if i cant be in pd not much point on me staying i like the practice on reports and policing i am following it in out of city thanks for getting back to me anyway even if i try to fight it no one seems to see reason as in gov already explained to pd they were understanding i made a mistake while i was drinking and i now know i shouldnt of come on that night but i enjoyed the experiences i was able to have as a police officer in infinity gaming kind recards Vin/james. now i didnt know what i was doing i was not thinking correctly i had way to much to drink out of head and i see now i should not of come on that night and i belive i should have a second chance sober i would of never done the above and i really do apoligise not only its embrassing but i really enjoy the rp in this city and the pd family are amazing i dont have a single warning on my file 0 warning shows that im a good person i made 1 mistake and i will never do again i hope you take this into concideration of forgiving me and allowing me to continue what i enjoy in this city as a honest police officer sober me never would of done the above and will never mix drinking and the city again thanks kind regards vin/james

  • Screenshot Of Ban Message:

2 days till ban is over. Just wait the two. :slight_smile: