Frazer Hammers Updated Biography

Infinity Gaming 2.0 - Character Biography

The following is a private out-of-character biography. Information contained within this biography is NOT permitted for in-character use.

Character Information

Full Name: What is your character’s full name, including any nicknames or aliases?

  • Frazer Hammer

Date Of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)

  • 02/02/2002

Country Of Birth (If outside of Australia, please specify citizenship status & date of citizenship)

  • Australia

Family Tree, Heritage & Genealogy: Does your character have any family members or close relatives? If so, who are they, and what is the nature of their relationships? (Note: Any names not included within this biography unless later approved by the Federal Government will not legally be considered family members in a legal procedures, practices, etc.)

  • Frazer Hammer has only one Brother. Both his parents have abandoned him during is ventures within the police force.

Education, Experience & Employment: What is your character’s level of education? Did they attend college, vocational school, or have any specialized training? What does your character do for a living? Are they employed or self-employed, and in what industry or profession? (Ensure you state all degrees, certifications, experience, current/previous employment information, etc.)

  • Frazer Hammer attended University of Los Santos, San Andreas to start off his journey in his; Associate Degree in Policing Practice. This is his only academic achievement outside of his schooling career.

Personality: Describe your character’s personality traits, both positive and negative. What are their strengths and weaknesses?

  • Overall Frazer is a majorly strong independent male that is driven both within work and outside of work with his hobbies and etc. He has a strong mentality and determination of understanding the best probable outcome to create a civil standing with the fellow community in regards to his work. He may come across firm which will result in mix opinions but also his weakness in being firm leads to many positives down the line of his work.

Hobbies and Interests: What does your character enjoy doing in their free time? Any specific hobbies, interests, or passions?

  • Frazer loves to dive into the F1 scene and travel to majority of the races for entertainment purposes.

Goals and Ambitions: What are your character’s long-term goals and ambitions in the city? What do they hope to achieve?

  • Frazer Would love to continue his strong passion within the police force to try apply and become an officer he wishes he can become. To also continue to be a role model for those surrounding his presence. He would love to be apart of something he can call family and strive to do better then his father and peers can achieve.

Friends and Allies: Who are your character’s friends or allies in the city? Are there any specific groups or factions they are affiliated with?

  • Frazer has many friends, the police academy was all his friends as he is a very likable person. The Police academy was all Frazer had and developed a strong relationship with all individuals to assist them with their journey. This allowed Frazer to develop the knowledge to venture off into a police department with whoever accepts his application.

Enemies and Rivals: Does your character have any enemies or rivals, and what is the source of their conflicts?

  • Frazer has no enemies in regards to people disliking him, although he does put away tough criminals which overall may create hatred towards him throughout his work.

Criminal Record: Has your character been involved in any criminal activities in the past? If so, what kind of activities have they been involved in?

  • No.

Personal Beliefs: What are your character’s personal beliefs, values, and ethics? Are they religious or politically inclined?

  • Frazer is Catholic and is overall open to all religions. No religion is greater then others and his values are just being an approachable and humble human.

Relationships: Is your character in a romantic relationship or involved with anyone romantically? If so, who is their partner, and how did they meet?

  • No.

Physical Description: Describe your character’s physical appearance, including height, weight, hair colour, eye colour, and distinctive features.

  • Weight is a tough build of 85KG sitting at 6 foot 2. Gray hair and blue eyes. Distinctive features includes his Number 2 hair-trim all over and his gray hair at the age of 22.

Backstory: Provide a detailed backstory of your character, including any significant life events, turning points, or experiences that have shaped who they are.

  • Frazer started off his schooling journey wanting to be an accountant. He pursued business for his HSC and continue to dive into the hole of study study study. He got the desired mark he wanted and his parents were proud that their young boy will become an accountant just like his father. But he had one encounter with the Sergeant of the San Andreas Police Department Don Montana. Don Montana was the man of the men, silky smooth hair and overall was an icon, he became Frazer’s Idol. Now after Frazer had completed his HSC, he quickly changed paths and join the academy whilst studying a degree in policing. His family was MAD! Abandoning him due to his career path and never wanting to speak to him again, devastating. At this stage, he is now in full swing within the academy and excelling at what he does with his drive and ambition. All Because of the lovely man Don Montana.

*Current Situation: What is your character’s current situation within the city? Are they new to the city, or have they been there for a while?

  • After the big Tsunami, Frazer has continue his studies to develop his overall knowledge and compatibility within the Law and Policing subjects. This is due to Frazer seeking to pursue his Policing career as he once did a long time ago. He is willing to make friends as he has been around for a while, seeking new adventures and career paths within the government sector. He believes he can do great in this new lifeline and is willing to put in the effort to succeed and be the best version of himself. Willing to meet new friends, develop long lasting relationships and also willing to settle down and find a place to call home.
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Hi Fraz appreciate your patience with us getting back to you on your character biography.

As per our discussion your character biography has been approved under the discussed terms in our DM’s if you have any further questions and queries you can contact me directly and we can communicate there.

You can join the in character discord here - Infinity Gaming︲Citizens Of San Andreas

Kind Regards