Adam Doueihi character biographies

Infinity Gaming 2.0 - Character Biography

The following is a private out-of-character biography. Information contained within this biography is NOT permitted for in-character use.
Minimum words are recommendations as a lack of depth will result in further information being requested, etc.

Character Information

Full Name: What is your character’s full name, including any nicknames or aliases?

  • Hes name is going to be Adam Doueihi

Date Of Birth (13/5/1999)

  • 13/5/1999

Country Of Birth (If outside of Australia or the state of San Andreas, please specify citizenship status & date of citizenship to Australia and the state of San Andreas.)

  • India,Goa

Family Tree, Heritage & Genealogy: Does your character have any family members or close relatives? If so, who are they, and what is the nature of their relationships? (Note: Any names not included within this biography unless later approved by the Federal Government will not legally be considered family members in a legal procedures, practices, etc.) (Min: 25 words per person)

  • When adam was born him and his parents were in the middle of warfare and then enemies from the other country came to the hospital killed everyone that was there

Education, Experience & Employment: What is your character’s level of education? Did they attend college, vocational school, or have any specialized training? What does your character do for a living? Are they employed or self-employed, and in what industry or profession? (Ensure you state all degrees, certifications, experience, current/previous employment information, etc.) (Min: 75 words)

  • Adam went to high school he finished high school and when he went to uni he wanted to be a teacher because he was so smart and he wanted to teach kids how to be smart like him and he is really good with kids as well

Personality: Describe your character’s personality traits, both positive and negative. What are their strengths and weaknesses?

  • Adam is a strong person he loves to make mates and play with them and he has no weaknesses the only weakness he is hights

Hobbies and Interests: What does your character enjoy doing in their free time? Any specific hobbies, interests, or passions? (Min: 50 words)

  • Adam likes to games with him mates and also go to his backyard and play some soccer with his cousins and family friends and he also likes to watch movies as well he likes to go to the shopes and some food and buy some new cloths for him.

Goals and Ambitions: What are your character’s long-term goals and ambitions in the city? What do they hope to achieve? (Min: 75 words)

Adam goals were to make is his own clothing brand to make some money for his family and when he makes his own clothing brand he is not going to quit on it he is going be a long term thing if he thinks its going to be bad he is not going to give up on it and when he gets the money he is going to help his family with that as well.

Friends and Allies: Who are your character’s friends or allies in the city? Are there any specific groups or factions they are affiliated with? (Min: 25 words per person/group if applicable)

  • Adam had 3 mates he talks to them everyday at home,phone and even at school one of his mates died to a car crash he was adam best mate he could think of

Enemies and Rivals: Does your character have any enemies or rivals, and what is the source of their conflicts? (Min: 50 words per person or group if applicable)

  • Adam has no rivals at the moment he wants to just foucs on him

Criminal Record: Has your character been involved in any criminal activities in the past? If so, what kind of activities have they been involved in? (Min: 50 words if applicable)

  • Adam has no crimnal record

Personal Beliefs: What are your character’s personal beliefs, values, morals and ethics? Are they religious or politically inclined? (Min: 50 words)

  • Adam is a catholic who prays everyday His values and morals is to just be a good person, give back to people, help other, have each other’s backs, lending out a hand and also to inspire and influence people to just be a better person.

Relationships: Is your character in a romantic relationship or involved with anyone romantically? If so, who is their partner, and how did they meet? (Min: 50 words if applicable)

  • Adam has never got in a relationship in his life even in high school 7-12 he has not even got a gf before he wants to just foucs on him in till he is ready and one day he will get one

Physical Description: Describe your character’s physical appearance, including height, weight, hair colour, eye colour, and distinctive features. (Min: 50 words)

  • Adam is about 6,3 he has curly hair a little bit brown eyes his hair colour is brown his wight is about 98kg he is in good shape he has a sharp jawline he has big hands as well he also good eyebrows and he has dimpole on his right cheek

Backstory: Provide a detailed backstory of your character, including any significant life events, turning points, or experiences that have shaped who they are. (Min: 100 words)

*A brief backstory about Adam Doueihi the age of 8 his whole family got killed by this warfare army since then he does not know what happend to them when he was 9 he had to go to a diffrent family when he went to a new family it was a small house with 1 room so they could barly fit in there but when adam hit 14 he got a job somewhere so he could get paid and buy his family some new stuff when he got them a new house there parents was proud of him but many years after adam left his family and lived own his own.

Current Situation: What is your character’s current situation within the state of San Andreas? Are they new to the state, or have they been there for a while? (Min: 50 words)

  • Adam current situation is working in construction of that new and soon releasing building in the city near Pillbox and Del Perro Freeway. Sunny has a citizenship because he was born and raised here. As I also said previously, Sunny is living by himself in a small apartment complex which is conveniently near his work space and that is the current situation/state of Sunny as of this moment.

I’ll be denying this, because you quite literally copied the last person’s answers.

So I will be requesting that you write it ALL by yourself, without AI, to prove that deserve to be accepted, Because using other people’s hard work definitely isn’t the way to do that.

Please edit it and change it.