Ace ban appeal 222222

  • List of current & known previous names(s): Ace Dennis

  • List of current & known previous Steam username(s): Ace

  • List of current & known previous Discord username(s): !Ace#4777

  • Which member of Community staff issued your ban?: harambe

  • When was your ban issued and how long has it been since the ban was issued? 9 months

  • What was the reason given by Community staff for your ban?: doxing

  • Is the reason given by Community staff for your ban accurate or relevant to the situation or events that occurred?: yes i doxed him

  • Why do you believe that you should be unbanned from our Community?:
    i would love to be unbanned from you community out of city i was not in a good head space at the time and i mean the guy i doxed was my mate like my best friend out of city ik him irl and everything so i mean it was not really a dox but im not here to tell you. your wrong im here to try get unbanned from your great community and that i have been missing since the day i got banned like i mean im really trying to get unbanned i love your community i would love to have a 1 more chance at being in your community so if you are going to give me that chance to have one more crack at your great well roleplayed community i would love to be apart of it thank you guys have a good one take care

+1 Ace doxxed me and i dont care anymore free him

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@Harambe_Drift can decide your fate.

hey man im not sure whats going on am i unbanned or still banned